
Some words or phrases evoke sensory images in the reader's mind. Readers draw mental pictures in their minds after hearing those words and phrases. There are two types of most commonly used images as Visual images and auditory images.

Visual images (sight)

  • evening full of linnets wings ,
    • midnight all a glimmer
    (The Lake Isle of Innisfree)
    The above phrases create Colourful image of Innisfree

  • with his head between his paws
    he lies on the sandy shores
    (The Sea)
    A visual image of a sleeeping dog is created.

    Auditory images (sound)

  • I hear lake water lapping ( The Lake Isle of Innisfree)
    The poet hears the sound of the lake water lapping.

  • Volleyed and thundered stormed with shot and shell ( Charge of the Light Brigade)
    Here, sound of the guns, cannons are conveyed .